Project popularity can be measured using various metrics, including project forks and GitHub stars. This guide provides an overview of how to analyze project popularity using these metrics.
A project fork occurs when someone creates a copy of a repository (project) on GitHub.
Forks can be used to create a modified version of the original project or to contribute to the original project by sending pull requests.
A GitHub Star is a way for users to show their appreciation for a project by clicking the star button on the project's repository page.
Stars indicate that a user wants to keep track of a project's updates.
To analyze project popularity, follow these steps:
Fork and Star Count: Compare the number of forks and stars a project has over time.
Fork and Star Growth Rate: Calculate the rate at which the number of forks and stars is increasing or decreasing.
Fork and Star Distribution: Analyze the distribution of forks and stars among different contributors or organizations.
Metrics for Project Popularity
The following metrics can be used to show project popularity within a selected period:
Fork Count
Total number of forks a project has received over a specific period.
Star Count
Total number of stars a project has received over a specific period.
Fork Growth Rate
Rate at which the number of forks is increasing or decreasing over a specific period.
Star Growth Rate
Rate at which the number of stars is increasing or decreasing over a specific period.
Fork/Star Ratio
Ratio of forks to stars, indicating the project's popularity and engagement.