The homepage is a key component of the platform, aimed at increasing monthly active users by providing a clear and engaging experience for users to explore their organization's open source involvement
The homepage showcases a summary of all projects that your organization is involved in and focuses on a single foundation/project at a time, providing an easy entry point for users to explore and engage with the open-source community.
The homepage is designed to provide a personalized experience to discover your company's involvement in open-source projects and encourage you to get more involved.
Key Features:
Project Summary: A summary of a company's projects is at the top of the page, providing a quick overview of their open-source engagement.
Featured Foundation/Project: The homepage focuses on a single foundation/project at a time, showcasing its details and encouraging users to explore and engage with it.
Easy Navigation: Users can easily navigate to the All Projects view on the "Contributors" page.
Start from the Home page to quickly access all features of the Organization Dashboard.
To access your Organization Dashboard,
Log in to the Organization Dashboard.
After logging in, you will see the Home Page as the default page.
The Linux Foundation offers different types of membership based on the project.
Membership offers detailed insights about the membership options available within your organization. Organizations can enroll in various memberships provided by different open-source projects.
Open source projects offer various membership programs, each with different benefits.
The Membership page has the following 3 tabs:
Active Memberships
Expired Memberships
Joining our open-source organization as a member unlocks a world of opportunities for your company. Here's how your membership can drive innovation, enhance visibility, and foster collaboration:
By becoming a member, you will gain access to these exclusive benefits and join a thriving ecosystem of innovation and collaboration in the open source world. Connect with fellow professionals, share knowledge, and drive progress in your field.
As a valued member of the open source community, we want to ensure that you are informed about any expired memberships associated with your organization. This feature, located under the Membership tab, provides a list of open-source projects for which your membership has lapsed.
When a membership expires, your organization loses access to exclusive benefits and discounts. Do not miss out on these valuable perks – renew your membership today!
Expired Membership Details
The list displays the following essential information for each expired membership:
Membership Type: The specific type of membership that has expired.
Expiration Date: The number of days since the membership expired.
Renew Membership: A convenient button to easily renew your membership.
Project Details: A list of open-source projects, including any child projects, associated with the expired membership.
Stay up to date on your membership status and take advantage of our exclusive benefits by renewing your membership today!
Access to the Organization Dashboard
Appropriate permissions to manage memberships
To renew an expired membership, follow these steps:
Navigate to the Membership page in the Organization Dashboard.
Click the Expired tab to view all expired memberships.
The expired memberships are displayed in a table showing Name, Membership Tier, Expiration Date, and Actions.
Locate the project you want to renew in the list of expired memberships.
You can use the Search field in the top-right corner to find a specific project.
Click the Renew link in the Actions column next to the desired project.
On the Membership Enrollment page, select your membership tier:
Review the available membership tiers and their corresponding pricing
The membership tier will be pre-selected based on your previous membership
Preview the membership agreement:
Click the Preview Agreement button on the right side of the selected tier
Review the terms and conditions in the agreement popup
Click Start Membership Enrollment to proceed with the renewal process
Note: Make sure to review the pricing and membership details carefully before proceeding with the enrollment.
Configure your billing preferences:
Select your preferred invoice delivery method:
Email (default)
Hard Copy (via courier)
Indicate whether a Purchase Order is required
Select Yes or No
Set up the billing address:
Choose from existing billing addresses in the list OR
Click Add Address to create a new billing address
Note: Multiple billing addresses may be available for selection. Ensure you choose the correct one for this renewal.
Click Next to proceed to the next step
On the Contacts page, manage your contact information:
Click Add Contact to add a new contact
In the Add Contact dialog:
Select the contact type(s):
Auth. Signatory (will sign the agreement)
Primary (for all notices, including voting)
Billing (for receiving invoices)
Enter contact details:
First name
Last name
Phone number (with country code)
Title (optional)
Corporate email address
LinkedIn profile (optional)
Click Add to save the contact
Only use corporate email addresses for contacts
At least one contact must be designated as an Authorized Signatory
The billing contact will receive all invoices unless specified otherwise
The primary contact will receive all notices and voting information
After adding all necessary contacts, click Next to proceed
Review your membership details carefully:
Verify the selected membership tier and pricing
Confirm the billing preferences and address
Check that all contact information is correct
Ensure the Authorized Signatory is properly designated
Submit your membership renewal:
Click Submit to complete the renewal process
Number of Open Source Events Attended by Employees: Displays the total number of open source events attended by employees from the user's organization.
Total Attendance: Displays the total number of attendees from your organization across all events.
Number of Events Spoken At: Displays the total number of events where employees from your organization have spoken.
Total Number of Speakers: Displays the total number of employees from your organization who have spoken at events.
Total Registration for Events: Displays the organization's total number of event registrations.
The data is shown for the selected time period.
Event Name
Event Date
Speaking proposals
Event sponsors
Ranking: Displays a ranking of employees from the user's organization based on the number of events they have attended.
Leaderboard Table: A tabular format displaying the top attendees, including:
Employee Name
Number of Events Attended
Total Attendance
Ranking: Displays a ranking of employees from the user's organization based on the number of events they have spoken at.
Leaderboard Table: A tabular format displaying the top speakers, including:
Employee Name
Number of Events Spoken At
Total Number of Speakers
Bar Chart: A bar chart displaying the total number of in-person and virtual attendees for the selected time period.
The Code Contributions feature in the Organization Dashboard provides analytics on the contributions your employees are making to various open-source projects.
Accessing the Dashboard
To access the Code Contributions feature:
Log in to the Organization Dashboard.
From the left sidebar, select Code Contributions.
Dashboard Layout
Search Box: Located at the top of the dashboard, this allows you to search for specific projects.
Time Range Filters: you can filter data based on the options from the drop down or select "All Time" to view cumulative data.
Contributor Team
Tabs: Use the tabs at the top of the leaderboard to filter the view according to contributor roles: All Contributors, Committers, Maintainers, Reviewers and Others.
Toggle: A toggle switch allows you to filter the data to show only current employees.
Name: Displays the contributor's name. Clicking on a name will display a snapshot of the contributor's detailed profile.
Highest Type: This column shows the contributor type with the highest level of responsibility. To know more, click icon.
Contributions: This shows the total number of commits made by the contributor.
Last Active: Indicates the last active date of the contributor in the project.
Most Active Project: Indicates the name of the project where you contributed the most.
Additional Metrics
Contributors Growth Line Chart: This chart displays the growth over time of Committers, Maintainers, and Reviewers, allowing you to visualize trends and patterns in contributions.
Productivity: helps you understand and analyze where and how your organization collaborates and drives productivity within open-source projects.
Contributing Countries: A visual representation showing the geographic distribution of contributors. Hover over the blue circle to see the contributions from that geo-location.
Discover New Projects tab under Membership Summary to identify open source projects where your organization is contributing, but lacks active membership programs.
The Discover New Projects tab is a valuable feature that allows you to view open source projects to which your employees are contributing, but your organization does not have active membership programs. This tab helps you discover new projects where your organization is making contributions.
Project Details: The list provides the following information for each project:
Name of the open source project
Number of contributors from your organization contributing to the project
Number of contributions from your organization
Last contributed date to the open source project
Associated Members and Projects: You can also view various member companies or child projects associated with the main project.
Identify new projects where your organization is contributing but lacks active membership programs.
Gain insights into the level of involvement and contributions from your organization.
Explore opportunities to establish membership programs with these projects.
Use the Discover New Projects tab to discover new open source projects where your organization is contributing.
Explore the membership options available through the Explore Membership link to establish active membership programs with these projects.
A green dot will be glowing next to Actively Contributing on the top right if the organization is actively contributing to the open source project. You don't see the green mark for the projects, where there are no regular contributions from your organization.
To explore and apply for the membership, perform the following steps:
Click Explore Membership button.
The Benefits page appears with the list of membership programs along with the price. Click Become Member.
The Project Overview page appears, click Questions?Click here to raise a ticket link to create a support ticket. The support team will get back to you on how to enroll to a membership.
The Organization Dashboard provides a powerful dashboard for companies or organizations that assists you in envisioning complex data into easy-to-read and meaningful data.
The Organization Dashboard consolidates important project data into a single interface.
It features charts and widgets for in-depth analysis of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), metrics, and essential data points.
Designed to streamline project management through organized and accessible data visualization.
Some of the key benefits of using Organization Dashboard are listed in the following list:
Quick access to top-performing indicators through various customizable widgets.
A user-friendly interface that makes it easy to understand the required information.
Clear and concise communication with stakeholders, eliminating confusion.
Performance assessments across multiple projects to identify areas for improvement.
A highly customizable dashboard that provides instant access to your needed information.
Consolidation of critical information across the organization, available at your fingertips.
Visually engaging graphs and charts with a consistent UI across all dashboards.
Centralized management of complex projects from a single console.
The Linux Foundation organizes various open-source events throughout the year, benefiting multiple open-source projects. These events play a crucial role in building and sustaining open-source communities.
Exchange Ideas: Participants can share their knowledge and exchange ideas with the community.
Learn from Peers: Attendees can learn from other open-source enthusiasts and experts.
Collaborate: These events foster collaboration among developers, designers, and contributors.
Innovate: Participants can design and develop new open-source solutions.
Security Challenges: Hackathons address security challenges and troubleshoot issues.
Linux Foundation Events: You can explore all the events organized and hosted by the Linux Foundation.
Organizations’ Role:
Registration: Organizations can register and participate in various events.
Support: By sponsoring events, organizations contribute to bringing the open-source community together to tackle challenges collectively.
You can check out all the events organized and hosted by the Linux Foundation at Linux Foundation Events.
To access the Events page, follow these steps:
Log in to the Organization Dashboard.
On the left navigation menu, enter your company or organization name in the Search box.
By default, the dashboard page appears.
Click the Events menu available on the vertical sidebar navigation.
You can filter data or select "All Time" to view cumulative data.
Travel Funding tab provides the estimated travel funds allocated from the Linux Foundation to an organization to participate in various events.
The following list provides you with the complete details that can be extracted from the Travel Funding:
Total travel fund received from the Linux Foundation
Name of the event for which the travel funding has been received
The year in which the event is organized
Estimated travel fund received for a particular event
Number of recipients allocated with the travel fund.
The Sponsorship tab provides you complete insights on sponsorship events.
The following list provides you with the complete details that can extracted from the Sponsorship Insights:
Name of the event sponsored
The year in which the event was organized
Name of the employee who has submitted the event sponsorship
Closed date when the event was closed
Tier provides the type of sponsorship provided to the event
You can check the yearly sponsorship details using the time filter.
Access the Sponsorship tab for comprehensive insights into your organization's sponsorship activities, including supported events, involved employees, and sponsorship types. Use this information to make informed decisions.
The Training and Certifications (T&C) menu under the Dashboard provides a comprehensive insights platform for T&C activities related to your organization. You can access this feature from the Organization Dashboard which offers a range of T&C Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) tailored to your organization's specific needs.
The T&C menu under the Dashboard offers the following key benefits:
Comprehensive Insights: Access to a range of T&C KPIs and metrics.
Customizable Reporting: Ability to view data for specific periods.
Quick Information: Access to key T&C metrics at a glance.
In-Depth Analysis: Training and Certification Insights for informed decision-making.
Member Promotion Management: Easy tracking and management of member promotions.
To access the Training & Certification page, follow these steps:
Log in to the Organization Dashboard.
On the left navigation menu, enter your company or organization name in the Search box.
By default, the dashboard page appears.
Click the Training & Certifications menu available on the vertical sidebar navigation.
You can filter data based on the years or select "All Time" to view cumulative data.