Consider the following benefits for mentors who participate in the mentoring program:
Give back by introducing new participants to project communities
Pass along to mentees the skills and expertise you have developed
Leverage mentees to help augment the existing developer community’s resources and efforts
Grow your project’s community by helping new developers get involved
The following eligibility rules apply to program applicants:
Must be at least 18 years of age
Must be a participant (administrator, contributor, and so on) in the project for which you want to be a mentor
Should have significant experience on the subject and the skills that the mentees will be developing
Must not be subject to any obligations to third parties (such as contractual obligations to an employer) that would restrict or prohibit performing as a mentor
Must be able to devote sufficient time to assisting one or more mentees a regularly throughout their mentorships
Consider the following mentorship responsibilities and duties before you apply to be a mentor: You will:
Review applicant eligibility
Review applicant contributions and be available to respond to applicant questions promptly
Judge applicant applications based on completing tasks and accept mentees
Assign tasks for the mentee
Track your mentees' progress
Write a graduation report for the mentee and refer the graduate to companies for interview opportunities
1. To review mentee applications **** Sign in to Mentorship, click on the My Account menu icon, and select My Projects from the dropdown.
2. Select the project card to navigate to the project detail page, and click on the Current Mentees tab to view the list of all the mentee applicants.
Please note the following application statuses:
Pending - The mentee has applied to the mentorship program. The mentee application is ready for review when "Tasks Submitted" is displayed above the status dropdown.
Accepted - mentee has been accepted to the program. Accepted mentees are also visible on the program Dashboard
Withdrawn - mentee has withdrawn the application.
Declined - mentee's application for the mentorship program has been declined.
Graduated - mentee has successfully completed the mentorship program.
The Current Mentees Application Management section contains the following information:
mentee name and avatar
Application Status
indicates mentee application
Application Dates
Created: date when the applicant submitted the application.
Updated: date when the applicant updated the application.
Other Applications
names of other projects that you manage to which the applicant has applied, along with application status.
View Tasks
+Add Task
Decline All Pending Mentees Listed Below
CTA button to simultaneously decline all mentees with pending application status
Filter By Application Status
Dropdown to filter mentee candidates by their application status
Download Mentees By Status
CTA button to download a .csv file with a list of all the mentees based on the selected application status
Continue to:
1. To request to be added to a mentorship program to and if you haven't created a mentor profile, click the Become a Mentor navigation menu item to .
2. On your mentor profile form, navigate to the Mentorship Program Details section, select a program from the drop-down list, and click +Add Project. Your request is displayed with the status Requested.
3. After the project maintainer adds you to the program, you will get an email notification, and the "Requested" status will change to Added.
4. You can remove yourself from the program by selecting Remove From Program CTA.
The Program Administrator can invite a mentor to participate in the mentorship program by adding them as a mentor. When a mentor is added, they will receive an email notification from LF Engineering, informing them of their selection and requesting that they create a mentor profile if they do not already have one.
If a mentor already has a profile on LFX Mentorship, there is no action is required, unless they want to remove themselves from the program. Below is a screenshot of the email that the mentor receives after being added by the program admin.
Mentors can remove themselves from a program by navigating to their profile and selecting Remove From Program CTA next to the program name they want to be removed from.
CTA to mentee tasks
CTA to for mentees
To become a mentor for a mentorship program Sign in to Mentorship
Click on Become a Mentor menu to create a mentor profile, and request to be added to a program.
Before you begin the mentorship program, please ensure you have the following items ready:
LinkedIn Profile: Share the web address of your LinkedIn profile.
GitHub Profile: Share the web address of your GitHub profile.
Resume: Upload your resume in a PDF, DOC, or DOCX format.
Avatar Image: Upload an image file for your avatar in JPG, PNG, or SVG format. The maximum file size is 2 MB.
Project Name: Provide the name of the project you would like to mentor individuals on.
Project Repository: Share the URL of the project repository.
Project Administrator: Provide the name and email address of the project administrator.
Having these items ready will help ensure a smooth onboarding process and allow you to focus on mentoring and guiding individuals through the project.
Complete the user profile form. Note: Red asterisks indicate required fields.
Select the checkbox and click Submit. Click on My Profile navigation menu to view and edit your profile. Note: The Project Admin of the mentorship program you requested to be added to as a mentor will review your profile before you're added to the program.
See: Manage Account
The Linux Foundation uses your contact information to correspond with you.
Some fields are pre-filled with your Linux Foundation account values.
Use an avatar (image) to represent yourself. Your avatar appears on your mentor's card under Mentees. Click Browse to upload a JPG, PNG, or SVG file.
Introduce yourself to project administrators and inform them why you would excel as a mentor for a project.
Click in the Skill Name field, select a skill, and click +Add skill to add your current skills.
Showcase your experience by providing links to your external profile pages, and uploading your resume file. Your external profile links will appear on your mentor card in Mentorship.
Select the LFX mentorship you would like to join as a mentor, and the program administrator will be notified of your request.
After the project maintainer adds you to the project, you will get an email notification informing you that you are added to the project, and the status changes to Added.
Read the Terms and Conditions, and select the checkbox.
To view and manage your mentorship profile Sign in to Mentorship and select My Account Tab
You can update your profile by selecting Edit Mentor Profile CTA button.