My Organization

My Organization menu provides you at access information related to your organization. My Organization lets you to access key KPI's related to your organization with respect to dashboard, membership summary, events and training and certification.

Sub Modules in My Organization

My Organization provides various sub modules that allows you to manage your organization in a much efficient way. The following sub modules are available in the My Organization:

  • Dashboard - An interactive dashboard with data visualizations which assists you to easily understand and monitor the data with out much fuss. The dashboard also consolidates the required information across the organization.

  • Membership Summary - Membership summary dashboard acts as a management dashboard which allows you to manage various projects and members associated with it.

  • Events - Events dashboards provides a insights related to the open source events. Events dashboard provides instant access to critical information related to events.

  • Training and Certification - Training and Certification dashboard provides you all the required information related to the the training and certifications that has been carried out in your organization.

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