Certification Analytics

Certification Analytics provide a high level overview of certification programs conducted by the Linux Foundation during the selected time period.

Certification Analytics

Individuals Enrolled Vs Certified

  • Blue colored line represents individuals enrolled for the certification programs.

  • Green colored line represents individuals who are certified from the programs.

This metric shows two different colored-line-graphs that represent periodic increase or decrease in the number of individuals actively enrolled and certified during the selected time period. Hover over a graph point to view the number of individuals enrolled and certified during a particular time period.

The annotation blocks show:

  • Total number of individuals enrolled in certification courses during the selected time period.

  • Increment or decrement rate of change in the number of individuals enrolled in certification courses during the selected time period compared to the previous time period.

  • Total number of individuals certified during the selected time period.

  • Increment or decrement rate of change in the number of individuals certified during the selected time period compared to the previous time period.

The Observations slide shows the following information:

  • Average number of individuals who were enrolled in certification courses during the selected time period.

  • Average number of individuals who were certified during the selected time period.

  • Increment or decrement rate of change (in percentage) in the number of individuals enrolled compared to preceding period.

  • Increment or decrement rate of change (in percentage) in the number of individuals certified compared to preceding period.

Enrollments Vs Certificates Issued

This metric shows two different colored-bar-graphs that display periodic increase or decrease in the total number of enrollments, and total number of certificates issued across all certification programs during the selected time period. Hover over a color to view total number of enrollments and certificates issued for a particular time period.

The annotation block shows:

  • Total number of enrollments across all certification programs during the selected time period.

  • Increment or decrement rate of change in the number enrollments across all certification programs during the selected time period compared to the previous time period.

  • Total number of certificates issued during the selected time period.

  • Increment or decrement rate of change in the number certificates issued during the selected time period compared to the previous time period.

It shows a doughnut chart that displays top 10 certification exams by number of enrollments. Hover over a color of the chart to view the certification exam name and total number of enrollments for the exam.

Enrollments By Technology

It shows a doughnut chart that displays the top most technology sectors by the number of enrollments into it. Hover over a color of the chart to view the technology name and total number of enrollments associated with the technology.

Certified Individuals By Countries

The world map with different colors for different regions (countries) represents the number of individuals being certified across different countries, during the selected time period. Orange shows least number of individuals and Red shows most number of individuals being certified across globe. Hover over a color or a country to view number of individuals, of the country, who were certified in the certification programs conducted during the selected time period.

Certified Individuals By Job Function

It shows a doughnut chart that displays total number of individuals passing certifications analyzed across different job functions. Hover over a color of the chart to view the job function name and number of individuals passing the certification having the designation in their the jobs.

OTHER represents all other job function names combinedly that come after the top 10 or top 12 job functions as displayed in the list.

Most Engaged Organizations

It shows the top 10 organizations by the most number of individuals passing certifications over the selected time period. The size of bubbles, that shows the organization name, vary depending upon the number of individuals passing certification programs from the organization.

Engaged Organizations By Size


The table lists top 10 certification program names by number of individuals who are enrolled into the program, certified from the program after successfully passing the exams, and passing percentage of the certification exam.

Most Engaged Individuals

The table lists top 10 individuals who are certified in most number of certification programs organized during the selected time period. It lists individual name, organization to which the individual belongs to, number of certifications attained by the individual, and date of last certification.

Last updated