Candidates must complete the necessary steps in the Exam Preparation Checklist in order to "Schedule" the Exam with our proctoring partner, PSI.
The candidate should login to the Linux Foundation LMS, to view "My Portal". Click on the "In Progress" tab to view the certification exams or courses that are active in your account.
If this is the first time the candidate is accessing their purchase, the button will be labeled "Start Certification", otherwise the button will be labeled "Resume". Click on the Start Certification (or Resume) button to view the Exam Preparation Checklist Items.
Checklist Item
Action Required
Agree to Global Candidate Agreement
Candidates must click on the "Agree to Global Candidate Agreement"
to indicate they agree to the "Linux Foundation Global Certification and Candidate Agreement" (available for review by clicking on the "Read Now" button.
Verify Name
Candidates must click on "Verify Now" to confirm that the First and Last name displayed in this field matches the Government-Issued Photo ID that
they will present to the Exam Proctor, at the time of their exam, to verify their identity.
Click in the field to edit the First or Last name displayed.
Click “Accept” to confirm.
Select Platform
The candidate's exam will be provisioned on the Platform displayed.
To select a different platform, and if this is an available option, click on the Platform drop down list and select a preferred platform.
Click "Confirm" when done.
Schedule an Exam
The Schedule button will become available, approximately 30 mins AFTER the candidate has completed the first 3 checklist items.
Clicking on "Schedule" will redirect the candidate to our scheduling partner's site (PSI). Candidates will login to the PSI site with their LFID, and search for their exam by exam code (e.g. LFCS, CKA). Candidates will select from available dates and times for an exam reservation.
The Candidate must select a date and time that falls before the expiration date of their exam.
Check System Requirements
The Candidate must check that the system they will use to take the exam meets the minimum requirements. Clicking on the "Check Now" button will direct the Candidate to a System Check Tool.
Get Candidate Handbook
Candidates should click on the "Read Now" button to familiarize themselves with the Candidate Handbook prior to taking the exam.
Take Exam
Candidates must complete all checklist items before their scheduled Exam time The "Take Exam" button will become available 30 minutes prior to the scheduled exam time.
Clicking on "Take Exam" will redirect candidates to the proctoring partner's site.
The "Schedule" Button will become active, and the Candidate will be able to schedule an exam with our proctoring partner (PSI), only after they complete the first 3 checklist items:
Agree to Global Candidate Agreement
Verify Name
Select Platform
Candidates will click the "Schedule" button to be directed to the PSI Bridge Platform where they will schedule their exam.
Candidates will then be prompted to select their preferred date and the time zone in which they will be taking the exam.
Exams require a 24-hour lead time to allow for the preparation of the virtual machines, so the earliest possible reservation date will be the following day. Additionally, the latest possible date presented in the scheduling calendar is 60 days out.
Candidates with a Coupon Code must apply the code in the secure cart in order to register for the product
Registering for an exam gives the candidate an eligibility to schedule and then take the exam. Registering for an exam is not the same as "Scheduling" an exam. When a candidate registers for an exam they will have 12 months to schedule and take the exam, or until their corporate subscription expires (whichever happens first). That means they must schedule an exam reservation date to occur within 12 months of purchase, or before their corporate subscription expires. After that date, the exam registration expires and the candidate will no longer be eligible to schedule or sit for the exam.
If a candidate has a Coupon Code, they will go to The Certification Catalog , select the Certification Exam they wish to purchase and click the "Register" button.
Candidates will be redirected to The Linux Foundation LMS where they should (a) Sign in with an existing LF Login and Password, and proceed to the secure checkout to complete the transaction or (b) Create a new LF Login by providing a Username, First/Last name and Email address. ** If you are creating a new LF Login, you will receive an email requesting that your "Verify your Email" in order to gain access to your new purchase.
Once they are logged in they can enter a Coupon Code in the secure checkout page, and click on "Apply" to bring the total cost down to $0.
To complete the checkout process, the candidate must click on "Enter Payment Information" and then click to agree to The Linux Foundation Terms and Conditions and the Thought Industry Terms and Conditions.
The candidate should click on "Place Your Order" to complete the registration process.
The candidate will be presented with a screen confirming their order and they can click on "View Your Portal" to be redirected to "My Portal" where their recent purchase will be displayed in the "In Progress" Tab.
The candidate will also receive an email which includes confirmation of their exam registration (valid for 12 months) and a list of things to consider when selecting an exam date, such as:
Exam reservations require a 24-hour lead time, meaning the earliest available time-slot will always be the next day.
Proctoring time slots are made available for all timezones and all days of the week, including weekends, and scheduling is subject to availability.
The scheduling calendar shows availability for 60 days following the current date, therefore you'll need to wait until you're within 60 days of your desired date before you can schedule your exam.
Exam reservations may be rescheduled or cancelled up to 24 hours before the start time of your exam. If less than 24 hours remain before your exam start time, you must sit the exam as scheduled or forfeit the attempt. The exam proctoring partner's site may not prevent you from accessing all dates available on their scheduling calendar, including ones falling after your exam eligibility expiration date.
The candidate can click on "Start Certification" to view the Exam Preparation Checklist Items which need to be completed in order to Schedule the exam with PSI.
This is a quick guide outlining the process to Register - Schedule - Take a Linux Foundation Certification Exam.
Please refer to the Linux Foundation Certification Exams: Candidate Handbook for more in depth information on our examination process, including key details such as:
System Requirements
Identification and Authentication Policy
Exam Rules and Policies
Exam Interface information
Scoring and Notification process
Candidates with a Registration or Redemption code, can login to the LMS and apply the code using the "Redemption Code" option.
Registering for an exam gives the candidate an eligibility to schedule and then take the exam. Registering for an exam is not the same as "Scheduling" an exam. When a candidate registers for an exam they will have 12 months to schedule and take the exam, or until their corporate subscription expires (whichever happens first). That means they must schedule an exam reservation date to occur within 12 months of purchase, or before their corporate subscription expires. After that date, the exam registration expires and the candidate will no longer be eligible to schedule or sit for the exam.
If a candidate has a Registration or Redemption Code, they will connect to The Linux Foundation LMS where they should (a) Sign in with an existing LF Login and Password or (b) Create a new LF Login by providing a Username, First/Last name and Email address
If you are creating a new LF Login, you will receive an email requesting that your "Verify your Email" in order to gain access to your new purchase.
Once logged in, the candidate will click on "Apply Registration Code" in the top Menu Bar. They will enter the Registration or Redemption Code in the field shown, and click on "Validate".
When the code has been verified, the candidate must click to agree to The Linux Foundation Terms and Conditions and the Thought Industry Terms and Conditions, and then click on "Redeem" to complete the registration process.
The candidate will be automatically redirected to "My Portal" where their recent purchase will be displayed in the "My Learning" Tab. The candidate can click on "Start Certification" or "Resume" to view the Exam Preparation Checklist Items which need to be completed in order to Schedule the exam with PSI.
The candidate will also receive an email which includes confirmation of their registration for the Exam (valid for 12 months) and a list of things to consider when selecting an exam date, such as:
Exam reservations require a 24-hour lead time, meaning the earliest available time-slot will always be the next day.
Proctoring time slots are made available for all timezones and all days of the week, including weekends, and scheduling is subject to availability.
The scheduling calendar shows availability for 60 days following the current date, therefore you'll need to wait until you're within 60 days of your desired date before you can schedule your exam.
Exam reservations may be rescheduled or cancelled up to 24 hours before the start time of your exam. If less than 24 hours remain before your exam start time, you must sit the exam as scheduled or forfeit the attempt. The exam proctoring partner's site may not prevent you from accessing all dates available on their scheduling calendar, including ones falling after your exam eligibility expiration date.
The candidate should login to the Linux Foundation LMS, to view "My Portal". The candidate should click on Resume, to go to the Exam Preparation Checklist.
The "Take Exam" button will become active, up to 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start time of the Exam. Clicking on "Take Exam" will redirect the candidate to the Exam Proctoring Partner's site (PSI).
If The Candidate has an issue with the "Take Exam" Button in the Exam in the Exam Preparation Checklist, they can connect directly to and click the "Launch Exam" Button.